Tshiab tuaj txog Tuam Tshoj Professional Rotomolding Aluminium Cast Rotational Pwm rau Tsheb laij teb yas rooj Rotomolded
Peb lub koom haum muab qhov tseem ceeb rau kev tswj hwm, kev qhia txog cov neeg ua haujlwm txawj ntse, thiab tseem tsim cov pab pawg tsim, ua kom muaj zog los txhim kho tus qauv thiab kev lav phib xaub ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm. Peb lub lag luam ntse tau txais IS9001 Certification thiab European CE Certification ntawm Tshiab Tuaj Txog Tuam Tshoj Professional Rotomolding Aluminium Cast Rotational Pwm rau Tsheb laij teb yas rooj Rotomolded, We persistently acquire our enterprise spirit "quality life the organization, credit assures cooperation and continue to keep the motto inside our minds : buyers heev thawj.
Peb lub koom haum muab qhov tseem ceeb rau kev tswj hwm, kev qhia txog cov neeg ua haujlwm txawj ntse, thiab tseem tsim cov pab pawg tsim, ua kom muaj zog los txhim kho tus qauv thiab kev lav phib xaub ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm. Peb lub lag luam ua tiav tau txais IS9001 Certification thiab European CE Certification ntawmTuam Tshoj yas khoom, OEM, Txij li thaum peb tsim, peb txuas ntxiv txhim kho peb cov khoom thiab cov neeg siv khoom. Peb tau muaj peev xwm muab koj ntau yam khoom siv plaub hau zoo ntawm tus nqi sib tw. Tsis tas li peb tuaj yeem tsim cov khoom plaub hau sib txawv raws li koj cov qauv. Peb hais rau siab zoo thiab tus nqi tsim nyog. Tsuas yog qhov no, peb muab qhov zoo tshaj plawsOEMkev pabcuam. Peb sov siab txais tos OEM xaj thiab cov neeg siv khoom thoob plaws ntiaj teb los koom tes nrog peb rau kev sib koom ua ke yav tom ntej.
- Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm:
- Tuam Tshoj
- Hom Lub Npe:
- JingHe
- Shaping Hom:
- Rotomolding
- Khoom siv:
- Yas
- Khoom siv:
- Pob zeb
- Khoom npe:
- Yas Pob zeb tig pwm
- Cov khoom siv pwm:
- A356 txhuas
- Pwm Lub Neej:
- 10000 txhaj tshuaj
- Kev kho deg:
- xuab zeb
- 20 Teeb / Teeb ib xyoos
- Ntim Cov Lus Qhia
- ntawm koj qhov kev xaiv
- Chaw nres nkoj
- Lub Sijhawm Lead:
Quantity (Tshooj) 1–1 >1 Est. Sijhawm (hnub) 35 Yuav tsum sib tham
Khoom npe | Vaj Planter | Style | European | |
Hom | JingHe.. | Xim | Xim av | |
Kev ntxhib los mos | Sandblast.. | Qhov chaw ntawm cov khoom | ZheJiang xeev, Suav teb | |
Npuag | LLDPE | Hom kev ntim khoom | Ntim hauv peb lub thawv | |
Loj | Rooj zaum: 750 * 350 * 350 CM |

Peb lub tuam txhab tshwj xeeb hauv kev sib hloov moulding pwm thiab cov khoom sib hloov.Peb tuaj yeem kho txhua yam khoom rotomoulding raws li koj xav tau lossis 3D tsim kos duab.
1.Los ntawm alibaba kev lag luam kev ruaj ntseg
2. Los ntawm T / T
Pwm: 50% tso nyiaj ua ntej, 50% ua ntej xa zaub mov.
Khoom: 100% ua ntej xa zaub mov.
Hnub xa khoom yog li 15-60 hnub tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.
Kos npe rau daim ntawv cog lus – Them tso nyiaj – Ntau lawm – Them deposit – loading — Delivery.
Peb lub koom haum muab qhov tseem ceeb rau kev tswj hwm, kev qhia txog cov neeg ua haujlwm txawj ntse, thiab tseem tsim cov pab pawg tsim, ua kom muaj zog los txhim kho tus qauv thiab kev lav phib xaub ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm. Peb lub lag luam ntse tau txais IS9001 Certification thiab European CE Certification ntawm Tshiab Tuaj Txog Tuam Tshoj Professional Rotomolding Aluminium Cast Rotational Pwm rau Tsheb laij teb yas rooj Rotomolded, We persistently acquire our enterprise spirit "quality life the organization, credit assures cooperation and continue to keep the motto inside our minds : buyers heev thawj.
Tuaj TxogTuam Tshoj yas khoom, OEM, Txij li thaum peb tsim, peb pheej txhim kho peb cov khoom thiab cov neeg siv khoom. Peb tau muaj peev xwm muab koj ntau yam khoom zoo nkauj plaub hau ntawm tus nqi sib tw. Tsis tas li peb tuaj yeem tsim cov khoom plaub hau sib txawv raws li koj cov qauv. Peb hais rau siab zoo thiab tus nqi tsim nyog. Tsuas yog qhov no, peb muab kev pabcuam OEM zoo tshaj plaws. Peb sov siab txais tos OEM xaj thiab cov neeg siv khoom thoob plaws ntiaj teb los koom tes nrog peb rau kev sib koom ua ke yav tom ntej.